
Thank You!

Generosity is an act of worship. Giving is an important step in spiritual growth and maturity. Put simply, growing people are generous people. Your generosity at Front Range directly impacts God’s mission to go and change the world. When you give to Front Range, it supports all the ministries of the church, as well as local and global partners, missionaries and church plants. Thank you for your generosity. It is directly impacting our church and changing the world!

Ways To Give


You can give a one time gift or set up an automatic donation through our secure giving platform.

Give Online


Simply text the amount you would like to give to the number 84321


Front Range Christian Church
3333 Timber Mill Pkwy
Castle Rock, CO 80109


Gifting stocks is easier and more secure than ever

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You can now easily donate cryptocurrency to Front Range

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Donor-Advised Fund

A Donor-Advised Fund is a simple and tax efficient way to give to Front Range

Give Via DAF

Where Does My Money Go?

At Front Range, we want to clearly communicate how your generosity is used to bless the needs of others. Here are a few ways that your generosity is used to help others and help the church.


For every person that comes to Front Range on a weekend both in person and online, we give $1/person away to one of our local or global partners that are making an impact.

Christmas Eve Offering

Every Christmas Eve, we take all generosity given at our services and give it away to people and organizations in need.

Love in Action

Love In Action is the initiative by which we fund all of our strategic partnerships. We are excited for each of the local, national and international partners we support each year. By giving sacrificially and serving our partners, we have an incredible opportunity to be a blessing in our town, our country and all over the world.

Blessing Others

Since the beginning of Front Range, we have been able to give away $1 million dollars to families in need, missions, church plants across the country, partner organizations, schools, and much more. We have been able to help plant over 32 new churches, support over 19 worldwide missionaries, and bless thousands of local families in need. Thank you for partnering with us to help make an impact!

Contagious Generosity

At Front Range, we believe God has called us to live out contagious generosity. All throughout history, God has displayed His generosity toward us. The greatest example of His generosity is found in John 3:16

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Because God loved, He gave. God’s love for us propelled Him to give us Jesus, and our love for God and the world around us should compel us to be generous with what we have. We believe this is one way God has called us to be more like Him and to trust Him.

We also believe generosity is contagious!

Contagious – capable of being easily spread to others: causing other people to feel or act a similar way

As we are generous with our finances, our time, our resources, and our gifts, it will cause the world around us to take notice and follow suit. Imagine if the communities of Castle Rock, Douglas County and Colorado gave generously and the impact it would make in lives of thousands of families. It can start with us!!

Levels of Giving

We believe God meets you where you are in every area of life and then loves you too much to let you stay there. As a part of that belief, we have helped define different levels of giving where people can identify where they are and then what their next step might be. We encourage every person to determine where they are in the giving process and then seek to take a next step in becoming more generous.

Nothing to Something

This is where you go from giving nothing at all, to starting the process of generosity by giving something.

Something to Significant

This is where you move from giving something to giving based on a percentage of your income. That percentage might be 2% or 7% or something else. The best part about this giving level is when you increase your income through raises or bonuses, your generosity automatically increases.

Significant to Tithe

This is the movement from giving significantly (a percentage of your income) to giving 10%. A tithe (which literally means “tenth”) is defined as the first 10% of a person’s gross income that is to be brought back to God by giving to the local church. (Deuteronomy 14:23, Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10)

Tithe to Sacrificial

This is moving from the floor of generosity found in the Bible (the tithe) to giving above and beyond. Jesus always calls us to be willing to sacrifice everything we have for the sake of God’s glory.