Outreach Opportunities
Our mission as a church is to help people become intentional neighbors through knowing and following Jesus. We love our town and the people in it, and we show that by putting our love into action. Check out some of the ways we serve and care for people through different organizations and opportunities.

2025 Mission Trips
Check out the different trips we have planned and use the button below to submit an application for one of the trips.
Join us as we head to Kenya, East Africa. We partner with an incredible organization called Bread of Life Mission that focuses on the unreached people and Kenya and South Sudan. For this trip, we will spend the majority of our time right outside of Lodwar, Kenya. The trip will involve many different ministry opportunities from VBS, widow’s ministry, discipleship, evangelism and more.
Cost: TBD
Cost – TBD
Local Partners
God has given our church a heart for adoption and foster care. Through your generosity, we are able to support Hope’s Promise, a local organization that walks “with expectant parents, hopeful adoptive families, foster families, and orphaned children around the world through life’s difficult chapters.” We also support families in our church in their journey towards foster care and adoption.
Front Range is proud to support and serve the schools of our community. We partner with the schools in helping take care of the needs of families, teachers and administrators throughout the year. We also serve the schools in a variety of ways that include painting, cleaning, providing meals for the faculty and much more.
The mission of Wellspring Community is to provide a work, enrichment and educational community where adults with special needs are empowered to live full, productive and satisfying lives in a God-centered and nurturing environment. They provide ongoing educational and enrichment activities to foster intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual growth; and they provide a variety of long-term, supervised residential options.
Aging Resources of Douglas County is a one-stop center for aging issues and concerns. When seniors or their families don’t know where to turn for answers, Aging Resources is the place! They are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing services, resources, and information that promote aging with independence and dignity. With support from community partners and dedicated volunteers, seniors can keep the cost of living down and quality of life up.
The Denver Dream Center rescues people, rebuilds lives, and restores dreams. Through free resources and wrap-around services, they address the immediate and long-term needs of more than 50,000 people annually. As a team of resilient people redeemed by God’s love, they believe in the transformative power of hope for individuals, communities, and us all. We have the ability to partner with the Denver Dream Center in many different ways (adopt a block, street evangelism and outreach, youth outreach opportunities and much more.)
Global Partners
Bread of Life Mission is a mission organization focused on reaching the unreached people groups of Kenya and South Sudan. Through mercy ministry, discipleship, education and church planting, Bread of Life is changing communities through the power of the Gospel.
Convoy of Hope is a faith-based, non-profit organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children’s feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response. In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world.
A21 has a mission to end slavery. Their vision is to end human trafficking and the slavery these individuals are sold into through “reaching, rescuing and restoring” people. They are looking for people to not just give, but to serve and to create an awareness around the injustice of slavery. “With your help, we can end slavery.”
Til He Returns impacts the physical needs of individuals which leads to impacting their spiritual needs as well. We strive to restore at-risk individuals through a safe and loving community of support in one of our many programs. Our leadership disciples these believers as they walk through life and leads them as they begin their journey to impact, restore and disciple others. We love being able to partner with Til He Returns for mission trips and needs that we can as a church.
Since 2001, MANNA has been breaking the cycle of poverty for thousands of children and their families by meeting their basic needs through nutrition, clean water, education and spiritual development. Since those early beginnings, MANNA has expanded their reach and their efforts to meet even greater needs through the local church. In conjunction with the Gospel and a multi-step strategy, we now provide for over 19,000 children every year at 225+ projects in 45 countries. These projects include nutrition centers, orphanages & family homes, clean water ministries, leadership training centers, medical clinics, youth camps, and schools.